Business Excellence, Internal Control, Quality Assessments

Normatives Management, Vision, Mission, Strategisches Management, Operatives Management, IKS (Internes Kontrollsystem), RM (Risikomanagement), Prozesse, Prozessmodell, Strategie.

MANAGEMENT happens on 3 levels: normative, strategic and operational. The key elements are VISION, STRATEGY and PROCESSES.



An external wholistic ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS according several categories initiates the Strategic Process. Together with the Mission and  Values the VISION forms the MISSION STATEMENT of an organization, along which employees align their actions. The VISION is a mid- to longterm objective and answers the question "where" do I want to develop as an organization respektively, "what" do I want to achieve in 5-10 years. All those instruments mentioned above form the normative basis.



Based on the normative basis the STRATEGY answers the question "how" the organization will achieve its langterm objective (VISION). Usually it takes 3 years. A comprehensive SWOT-Analysis systematically elaborates the STRATEC SUCCESS POSITION (SSP) of an organization and defines Strategic Objectives, which are able to realize the longterm objectives successfully. STRATEGIC AREAS FOR ACTION respektively Initiatives make the Strategic Objectives concrete. All those elements mentioned above make the STRATEGY of an organization.



At the end, operational PROCESSES are necessary to meet the mid- and longterm objectives approprietely. Those processes have to be defined in all areas as operations, finance, marketing, IT, HR, etc. In practice often a Process Model is used. To measure the success of implementation a BALANCED SCORECARD is applied.

BUSINESS EXCELLENCE is another approach to implement WHOLISTIC MANAGEMENT. In practice the well-known EFQM MODEL is often applied.

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